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Staying Sane as a Stay at Home Mom

Being a stay-at-home mom is a challenging lifestyle. It's around-the-clock, constant watch on--- let's be honest--- tiny psychos. As a mom of 3, soon to be 4 (all under 4), I frequently get asked how I don't lose my mind as a stay-at-home mom while maintaining a 4.0 GPA in college.  Self-care Self-care is the #1 most important thing you can do for your family as a wife and mother. Your health and mental state will affect every single person in your household. If you're feeling unimportant or sad, your kids will catch onto that. The stronger and more confident you feel as a person, the more your mindset will reflect on your family and their behavior towards you. Treating yourself with the same love and respect you give your family is extremely empowering both as a person and as a parent.  Sleep Sleep is SO important for your mental state. As moms, we tend to put off our physical needs to meet the needs of everyone around us. The part that we forget is that our needs as m

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